Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year = New Blog

Happy New Year!

I am excited to start off my new year with a new blog. I've recently discovered some fantastic blogs, inspiring me to start one of my own. I plan to write about my interests and any fun discoveries that pop up in life. I must say I am excited!

I love reading magazines and enjoy it when I can support home-grown media by purchasing Canadian magazines. Sadly 2008 saw the end of one of these magazines - the print edition of wish magazine. Although wish can still be read online, it makes me sad to loose the print version. I loved it how wish combined three things I love into one magazine: fashion, cooking and home decor. Ckeck it out online.
Final cover (sniff...)

Despite this, another cool and fairly new (I think they have been publishing for a year) Canadian magazine is Naked Eye. I picked it up for the first time last month and enjoyed it cover to cover. Its smart and funny with lots of articles on style, music and pop culture. I discovered two fun fashion blogs while reading Naked Eye: Style Bubble and The Glossy.

1 comment:

Jane, Mike and Isaac Hall said...

I've subscribed...This is a resolution that will be fun to keep...
Can never have too much info u know.